Layla Huntley

Layla Huntley

Layla Huntley

Hi, potential incoming freshman! I am a sophomore at the University of California- Merced, Social Sciences and Humanities Department. I am a psychology major who will potentially be minoring in criminal justice or political science. As someone who has been through the highs and ...lows for not just one year but part of two, I have a good insider into what the college experience could be like for you. Though everyone is different, I hope that my experience can prepare you for your own experiences throughout college. I was into clubs like BSC ( black scholars association), and I was active in getting to know my community. I played gym volleyball and knew many individuals who played tennis, soccer, water polo, and other sports like skateboarding. Luckily my school is relatively small, so everyone knows everyone, which gave me an incredibly exciting first year. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions, and I will be prepared to tell you whatever was missed for the questions I feel you didn't ask. Please enjoy your college experience, and I hope I can help you toward’s a smooth college transition.  * disclaimer- I am not speaking on behalf of the University of California- Merced. Everything I tell you will be on my own accord. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything UC Merced from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min