Maria Jose Corvalan

Maria Jose Corvalan

Maria Jose Corvalan

I’m a fourth-year Economics student concentrating in international economics and minoring in foreign affairs at the University of Virginia. I’m also pursuing an accelerated master’s in public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. As a Hispanic studen...t, being involved in my college community and making the most of this experience has been extremely important to me. I am a part of various organizations at UVA such as The Cavalier Daily, Enactus, Smart Woman Securities, and my sorority Kappa Alpha Theta. I also work as an education policy associate for Edpolicyworks at UVA, and am an economics tutor. I am offering advice to potential students that need an honest opinion about UVA and would like to learn more about majors, minors, student organizations, graduate school, Greek life, and more. I know choosing a university is a hard decision to make, but I’m here to make the process a little less stressful by sharing why I chose the University of Virginia! Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything UVA from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min